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Thank you for your request.

Your reference number is CRM

Our executive will contact you shortly

Scheduled maintenance: Please be advised, there will be a scheduled maintenance on 30 Mar 2025, between the hours of 02:25 AM to 06:15 AM BST, and you will be unable to do any faster payment transfer to UK account during this period. We are sorry if this affects you. You may use the services once they are up. 




TEXT ALERTS is a text message service under which text messages will be sent to your registered mobile phone number confirming transactions taking place on your designated ICICI Bank UK Plc account. You will be notified on your mobile phone of any credit or debit transaction of GBP 50 or more and for all debit card transactions, regardless of the amount.

If you hold a HomeVantage current account you can register for the TEXT ALERTS service.

  • Call our customer service centre on 03444124444 (calls to this number use free plan minutes if available, otherwise they cost the same as 01/02 prefix calls)
  • Visit one of our UK branches
  • Once your registration for TEXT ALERTS service has been processed, we will inform you by sending an email to your registered email address.

It will take up to 2 business days for you to start receiving TEXT ALERTS after your request for registration is received

It will take up to 2 business days to withdraw or stop TEXT ALERTS after your request is received

  • Call our customer service centre on 03444124444 (calls to this number use free plan minutes if available, otherwise they cost the same as 01/02 prefix calls)
  • Visit one of our UK branches
  • Once your TEXT ALERTS service stop request has been processed, we will let you know by sending an email to your registered email address.

There is NO charge for our TEXT ALERTS service.

Standard messaging rates from your mobile phone operator may apply. ICICI Bank UK Plc will not be responsible for charges made by your mobile phone operator in connection with the TEXT ALERTS service. So ensure you check with them about any charges that could apply.

You will receive TEXT ALERTS from ICICIBankUK.

  • Last 2 digits of your account number
  • Transaction amount
  • Transaction date
  • Transaction remarks
  • Available balance after the transaction has occurred

Sample TEXT ALERTS for a transaction made on 16 Feb are:

Sample text alert message


Sample text alert message

When you receive the TEXT ALERTS the sender name will appear as ICICIBankUK. The TEXT ALERTS will have first six digit of your account number masked and last two digits unmasked.

You will receive text messages instantly on your mobile phone when the transactions are processed in your ICICI Bank UK Plc account.

However, TEXT ALERTS will not be sent between 22:00 pm and 7:55 am. Text Alerts will be sent at or after 7:55 am for any transactions that occurred between 22:00 pm and 7:55 am.

You can register only one mobile phone number per account for TEXT ALERTS service. This means that if you hold more than one Account, you will need to register for each of them separately.

For joint account holders to one account, the Text Alerts will be sent to only one mobile phone number belonging to the main/joint applicant.

You have to de-register TEXT ALERTS for your old mobile phone number and then register for TEXT ALERTS on your new mobile phone number.

   Trouble Shooting

If you have not received your TEXT ALERTS please ensure that the SMS facility is 'switched on' for your phone. If you do not receive your TEXT ALERTS after the SMS facility has been 'switched on' then please contact our customer service centre on 0344 412 4444 (Calls to this number use free plan minutes if available, otherwise they cost the same as 01/02 prefix calls)

The memory capacity on your phone has probably been used to the full, which may be indicated by flashing envelope sign . You will need to delete some of your existing messages in order to free up some space on your phone. If you do not receive TEXT ALERTS after freeing up your phone’s memory space, then please contact our customer service centre on 0344 412 4444 (Calls to this number use free plan minutes if available, otherwise they cost the same as 01/02 prefix calls)

No, unfortunately we are only able to send the TEXT ALERTS once. If a TEXT ALERT is deleted it cannot be viewed again.

If your phone has received a TEXT ALERTS, it will be retained in the phone's memory even if the battery dies. Just re-charge the battery and then retrieve the TEXT ALERTS in the normal way.

Some phone models allow you to change the way in which you are alerted to incoming messages. Check that you have set the ringer option 'on' and the volume is not at zero.

You must report the loss to your service provider and ask them to disable your phone. You also need to contact our customer service centre on 0344 412 4444 (Calls to this number use free plan minutes if available, otherwise they cost the same as 01/02 prefix calls)

We recommend that you stop TEXT ALERTS service if you are taking your mobile phone outside the United Kingdom. This is because the security of any foreign telephone network through which text messages might be transmitted to your mobile phone cannot be guaranteed and there may be enhanced international roaming charge for which we recommend you get in touch with your network service provider.

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